Are You Ready to Ditch the Duct Tape?

Let's turn your complex and tangled stack of software into your own streamlined, automated sales engine. 🤯

At Cultivating Sales, we're experts in building sales systems that grow your business.

Our Ultimate Sales Automation Strategy

Imagine your sales process as a bustling marketplace, where conversations are lively exchanges between buyers and sellers. This is where Connections + Conversations = Currency

comes to life.

Our strategy isn't just about automating for efficiency; it's about enriching these exchanges with a human touch. We bridge the gap between cold automation and warm, engaging interactions. This approach ensures that every automated message feels personal, every campaign resonates more deeply, and every customer interaction becomes a building block for a lasting relationship. It's about recognizing that, in the digital age, the most powerful currency isn't just data—it's the genuine connections grown through meaningful conversations.

So, while our system automate tasks, it also serves to enhance and facilitate those irreplaceable human-to-human interactions, turning every touchpoint into an opportunity for engagement and every engagement into a step towards loyalty.

This is the ultimate sales automation strategy, where we humanize automation to not just meet expectations, but to exceed them in the most human way possible.


Are you losing money every day in your business because you are not consistently finding and capturing new, qualified leads?

Imagine your business as a garden—without a steady supply of water, even the most promising plants will wither and die. Consistency in lead generation is the rainwater your garden needs to thrive, not just survive.

A bountiful garden doesn't grow by accident. It requires the right blend of strategy, tools, and timing to turn those seeds into a harvest worth bragging about. Let's make sure your lead generation isn't just a seasonal fling but a perennial source of growth.


Imagine stepping into a room full of potential clients, and each is your ideal client. Imagine yourself walking past them, robotically handing out the same flyer to every single person without so much as a glance in their eyes. That’s what it's like when you automate the heart of your sales process—the conversation.

The magic of sales lies in those real, unscripted interactions where you can truly listen, adapt, and connect. It’s in these moments that trust is built, needs are understood, and relationships are formed.

Automation? Reserve it for your nurturing follow-up, the social post scheduling, the internal team notifications, and the appointment reminders. But when it comes to conversations, keep it human. Because at the end of the day, people buy from people, not robots.


You can now close more deals than ever before. With crystal-clear visibility into where each prospect stands in your sales pipeline, you can zero in on those that are ready to buy now.

This precision targeting means you're always at the ready, engaging with leads at the perfect moment.

When that moment arrives, collecting payment becomes a breeze, offering a seamless array of payment options tailored to their convenience. Congratulations! You have a new customer!

So How Do We Do This?

Cultivating Sales PRO - Current Feature List

Conversations area: This area enables you to communicate with your leads and customers in a centralized location, improving response times and customer satisfaction.

Calendars/Scheduling: This allows you to schedule appointments and meetings with leads and customers more efficiently, reducing back-and-forth communication and improving conversion rates.

Contacts: The CRM is to keep track of all your contacts in one place, ensuring that they have accurate and up-to-date information.

Opportunity Pipelines: Manage your sales processes more effectively, increasing the chances of converting your leads into customers.

Payments: Accept payments from your customers more easily, reducing friction and increasing revenue.

Social Planner: Here you can plan and schedule your social media posts in advance, improving your social media presence and engagement.

Email Builder: Create professional-looking email campaigns easily, improving your email marketing efforts and increasing your customer engagement.

Templates: We give you a wide range of pre-built templates for emails, landing pages, and more, enabling you to create professional-looking marketing materials without needing design or coding skills.

Trigger Links: Track your leads' behavior and trigger automated actions based on their actions, improving lead nurturing and conversion rates.

Affiliate Manager: Easily create and manage your affiliate programs, increasing their reach and your revenue.

Automation Workflows: Automate your sales and marketing processes, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. Let the software handle the details while you work with your customers.

Funnel Builder: Easily create effective sales funnels, improving your lead generation and conversion rates.

Website Builder: Create a professional-looking website without needing design or coding skills, improving your online presence and credibility.

Blogging: Publish blog posts easily, improving your content marketing efforts and increasing your website traffic.

WordPress Hosting: Love Wordpress? We provide secure hosting for your WordPress websites, reducing downtime and improving performance.

Membership Course Builder: Create and sell your own online courses, increasing your revenue and reach.

Form Builder: Create custom forms for lead generation, customer feedback, and more, improving your data collection and analysis. Trigger automation based on how your audience answers.

Survey Builder: Create and send surveys easily, improving your customer feedback and satisfaction.

Chat Widget: The Chat Widget feature enables you to communicate with your website and/or funnel visitors in real-time, improving customer engagement and sales.

Reputation Management: It enables you to monitor and manage your online reputation more effectively, improving your credibility and customer trust.

The Software Platform That Grows As You Do!

We make it easy for you to grow your business

Let's hop on an Exploration Call! We will help you identify trouble areas and growth opportunities in your business. Let's strategize and get you to where you need to be.

This is a 100% free, no-pressure call!

See what our clients have to say

Got Questions?

What is Cultivating Sales PRO?

We specialize in crafting a seamless, integrated platform that not only simplifies your business operations but also amplifies your marketing and sales efforts.

Imagine having an efficient CRM system, advanced marketing automation, effortless appointment scheduling, strategic funnel building, and impactful SMS marketing all working in synergy to elevate your customer experience and drive revenue growth.

Best of all, our expert team will build and customize this entire ecosystem for you, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your unique business needs. Let us handle the complexities, so you can focus on what you do best – growing your business.

How can Cultivating Sales PRO benefit my company?

Benefits include automation of repetitive tasks, streamlined operations, effective lead generation, marketing automation, enhanced CRM, efficient appointment scheduling, and sales funnel management.

Why should businesses choose Cultivating Sales PRO?

We offer an all-in-one solution, ease of use, affordability, continuous updates and support, and has a proven track record of success.

What is Cultivating Sales PRO used for??

It helps manage customer relationships, sales funnels, marketing campaigns, and more, with tools for email marketing, funnel building, website building, course building and marketing automation.

Who is the ideal client for Cultivating Sales PRO?

Our ideal client's are small businesses that have an income over $250,000 but less than $1 million. We work with businesses that are already succeeding, yet it's clear that their messy, manual systems are holding them back. Scaling a business requires streamlined systems and automation, which is what we're specifically trained to do for you.

What are the charges for Cultivating Sales PRO?

The software is currently $297.00 per month. There's also an annual payment option with a 20% discount. Our build process is quoted based on your needs.

Is This Platform Right For You?

4 Signs That You're Ready For This Program

  1. You're clear about who your ideal client is and what problems you solve for them.

  1. You've figured out how to make money in your business. Now you want to make more but work less.

  1. You have already started to build your own version of a Duct-Taped Monster and are frustrated!

  1. You're ready to systemize your business so nothing and no one falls through the cracks anymore

Is Cultivating Sales PRO legitimate?

Yes, it is a legitimate platform used by many businesses for improving marketing efforts and customer relationships. We continuously update our system and are well versed in SMS and Email Delivery so you're in experienced hands.

Are there any Cultivating Sales PRO tutorials available?

Yes, we have 24/7 tech support for all your questions. We also have a full, up to date knowledgebase, up to date training modules, built in product guides and 1:1 support when needed. We have a variety of industry templates through the platform and we hold monthly webinars with all the latest in sales, marketing, and technology updates.

Can Cultivating Sales PRO integrate with other tools?

While our goal is to not need to duct tape with other programs, sometimes its a software program that just can not be duplicted, but you still need to run your company. Cultivating Sales PRO allows integration with various third-party tools, enhancing its functionality. If you have a software that you know you're going to need to keep, message us and we can let you know if it's possible.

Is Cultivating Sales PRO scalable for growing businesses?

That's the beauty of our system. It has everything a business needs to automate their sales, marketing, onboarding, training, Google reviews social posting, etc.

How does Cultivating Sales PRO ensure data security and privacy?

Cultivating Sales PRO adheres to industry-standard practices for data security and privacy. Ensuring data security and privacy is crucial. We implement a mix of strategies:

Encryption: Protecting data both in transit (like when it's being sent to a client) and at rest (like when it's stored on servers).
Access Controls: Restricting who can see what, ensuring only authorized personnel access sensitive data.
Regular Audits: Regularly checking their systems for vulnerabilities and patching them up pronto!

Regulations: Strict adherance to laws like GDPR, HIPAA, A2P 10DLC, and Google/Yahoo's new email rules.
Employee Training: Making sure our team knows all about security best practices.
Infrastructure: Using Google's robust infrastructure, with their own heavy-duty security measures.

Cultivating Sales, LLC | © 2024